Any Straight TVs?

    • 2 posts
    May 3, 2016 8:52 AM BST
    I'm a pre-op transexual my op should be later this year I've never had sex for just over 4 years now I've forgotten what's it like because I've never found the right person male or female or tv. It might sound as though I'm missing out a lot but I don't think I am so when the right person comes along they will get a very loving and loyal girl in me.
    • 1 posts
    September 2, 2016 4:47 PM BST
    I'm straight and have been married for over 20 years.However I do have a secret tv side to me that never gets out.I want to be able to share this with friends in safety. I don't think I have any attraction to men but a desire to look pretty and sexy. I do find TV / sissy fiction a big turn on but know it is not reality. If this sounds confused then it probably sums me up.
    • 6 posts
    September 2, 2016 10:11 PM BST
    I'd be interested to know whether a tgirl could simply enjoy the company of an admirer whose roll would be confined to that of an "escort". He would be there just to make you feel more feminine and there would be no expectation of any sexual activity. What do you think girls?
    • 1 posts
    October 9, 2016 10:05 PM BST
    I am a straight cross dresser, what annoys me is that guys hit upon me on the internet assuming I am gay or bi just because I cross dress, Even when I state I am straight on my profiles. When are they going to realise that Cross dressing does not mean gay or bi and according to most sites that discuss cross dressing the majority of cross dressers are actually straight.
    • 3 posts
    January 23, 2019 9:15 PM GMT
    Just thought i'd add my 2p worth,
    Interesting thread, I've read some at the start, some in the middle and the most recent and it seems there really isn't a "norm". The early post mentioned that there were estimates of 80% straight, but I tend to agree with the last post, as the default assumption is that TV's must be gay, so all very confusing.
    I guess we all have our desires and motivations, all very different, but then we are all individuals, it would be boring if we were all the same!
    Embrace who you are, try something f you want to, don't if you don't, but the most important thing to me is be faithful and honest. Something I recently discovered when sharing my "femme" self with my wife.
    For the record (if there is one kept!), i'm straight, TV/CD (is there a difference between TV & CD anyway?) happily married.
    • 4 posts
    January 24, 2019 11:11 AM GMT
    i am straight, but i love to wear panties,stockings ad looking at pictures at tv and cd,s
    • 6 posts
    January 30, 2019 11:38 AM GMT
    ok since 5 Nov 2012 when i first posted a comment on this some things have changed personally at least in my head, but, sadly not in any practical / physically measureable way

    ok i prefer to be me, i dress to please me, and sometimes i feel sexy and it gets my mind to wandering around the edges of what i thought were my landmarks regarding sexuality, if it also ends up with me looking 'halfway decent' then bonus lol

    if i see a girl ( cis / post / pre op / or even a cute passable tg ) i react to her presentation, her overall femme-ness, her makeup, dress-sense, and 'effort' she put in to look good

    ive now realised im not fussed if she has an 'inny' or an 'outy' OR if her breasts are 'home grown', hormone induced, silicone enhanced ( though within reasonable limits ) or if she makes the effort with silicone prothesis

    if she attracts my attention, has an amazing smile / giggle, is cute or dare i say it sexy ( ok shallow things here, nice long legs, cute ass, NOT a stick insect but has curves ) then IF she has a similar reaction when she sees me ...

    then hell yeah lets see where it goes, and yes that IS a double or maybe treble entande ;-)
    • 1 posts
    February 28, 2019 8:56 AM GMT
    I am straight and only interested in friendship.. maybe some company for going out to clubs etc... i am strictly platonic and i like dressing sexyhit me up if you are in US and align with my thoughts
  • March 1, 2019 8:41 PM GMT
    I thought I had replied to this, I think it is how one perceives themselves, many times I have seen the 'does this make me gay question' gender identity does not directly relate to ones sexuality, if you live as a woman, think like a woman, then any relationship with a man should or would appear to be a heterosexual relationship, and if the same applies to your persona and you restrict your relationships with women then sure that would make one a lesbian, but sexuality and gender together is as diverse as the so called social norms. The thing I hate is the people that claim to be transgendered women is when they state YUK! the thought of having sex or a relationship with a man is abhorrent and disgusting. Showing ignorance and no understanding of the obvious, then there is the complexities of who'm one actually falls in love with. As for labels, what are you going to call people who are different from socially accepted norms?, 'IT'

    This post was edited by Cristine Jennifer Shye. BL. B/acc at November 8, 2019 4:36 PM GMT
  • March 2, 2019 1:15 AM GMT
    I am certainly not judging anyone to be what makes them happy, part time, some of us have to go that extra bit to live a life and be content and it is not a life we would have chosen if there was an option to be normal perse, my condition did'nt give me the option of fathering children, living life as a man. who would willingly embrace the complications and pain and rejection that being transgendered entails.

    As for men, fancying transexuals how can we know if they are closet gays? when most of them would not openly go out in public with a girl who perhaps did'nt pass and why did they always want to suck my dick before I had surgery or try and get me to screw them in the bum?, now I do not have a dick, when they find that out they lose interest!
  • March 2, 2019 1:34 AM GMT
    Transgender is a complex topic, where consensual and precise definitions have not yet been reached. Usually, the only way to find out how exactly people identify themselves is to ask them, and sometimes, transgender people either cannot or will not define themselves any more specifically than transgender, queer, or genderqueer.

    Books and articles written about transgender people or culture are often outdated by the time they are published, if not already outdated at the time of composition, due to inappropriate and/or outdated questions or premises. Not only psychology and medicine, but also social sciences deal with transgender people, and each starts from a very different point of view, offers very different perspectives, and uses a different nomenclature. The difference is mirrored by the attitude of transgender people towards transgender issues

    In late 20th century America, the closet had become a central metaphor for grasping the history and social dynamics of gay life. The notion of the closet is inseparable from the concept of coming out. The closet narrative sets up an implicit dualism between being "in" or being "out". Those who are "in" are often stigmatized as living false, unhappy lives

    In the early stages of the lesbian, gay or bisexual identity development process, people feel confused and experience turmoil. In 1993, Michelangelo Signorile wrote Queer in America, in which he explored the harm caused both to a closeted person and to society in general by being closeted. Homosexuality is becoming increasingly normalized and the shame and secrecy often associated with it appears to be in decline. The metaphor of the closet hinges upon the notion that stigma management is a way of life,. however the opposite seems to be the case with transsexuals and cross dressers .the main reason the social expectations of the norm, heteronormativity, the two sexes, male and female. The refusal of society in general to accept the unknown, typically .religous parties and the uneducated.

    Historically, clinicians labeled transsexual people as heterosexual or homosexual relative to their sex assigned at birth. Most transsexual people find this offensive, and prefer to define their sexual orientation relative to their gender identity. Thus, a trans woman attracted to men is likely to identify as a heterosexual woman as opposed to being attracted to *same sex* women, a lesbian..

    To avoid confusion and offense, the terms "gynephilia" and "androphilia" are sometimes used to describe attraction to women and men, respectively.The terms "homosexual" and "heterosexual" are problematic for transgender people who do not identify as male or female. More broadly, terms defining attraction in terms of men and women are often rejected by people attracted to those outside the gender binary.expectations of the norm and generally by the majority of gays relevant to their sexual orientations.

    One study published in 1977 suggests that transgender people have more heterosexual than homosexual experiences. Bu did these studies take into account, how transgender people perceive their own gender?? Another study published in 1976 found an almost equal distribution of transsexuals between three distinct categories: homosexual, asexual, and heterosexual.However, this study only assessed 42 male-to-female transsexual people who had undergone gender reassignment surgery and does not address bisexuality.Furthermore, these categories have been rejected by many transsexual people as pejorative.

    This topic was raised several times in the forums, one of which was entitled ‘Does this make me gay?’ To which I replied, ‘’If you think like a woman, believe you are a woman and present as one, then no, it would indicate you’re a straight heterosexual woman if you fancy and have sex with men albeit anal sex. To which several people were outraged stating they were not gay men in frocks and would never think of having any sort of sexual relation ship with a man, . .............These types of responses seemed illogical to me? if not would they not see themselves as lesbians? Quite a few natal women enjoy anal sex, does that make them homosexual from the male involved viewpoint? Perhaps from his view he might be fantasising about screwing another mans bum. Each individual, has different needs, before I had surgery I spent a lot of time munching pillow, with numerous men, never imagining I was a man having my arse screwed, I was a woman having sex, giving pleasure and receiving pleasure the only way I could, now I get and give pleasure to my partner either way.
    This post was edited by Cristine Jennifer Shye. BL. B/acc at June 28, 2020 10:41 AM BST
    • 2 posts
    March 8, 2019 10:23 PM GMT
    i dress because i love wearing womens clothes its feels so natural i dont fancy men some tgirl i think will show me to tgirl sex more bottom than top i do like to play often with my dildo but i dont feel gay bi or what ever just a woman when i dress i hate my bits down below
    • 26 posts
    May 31, 2019 9:40 AM BST
    Not me! I need a Daddy to help me, love me, make me feel safe, and to make happy! Since my divorce three years ago, I have grown more and more feminine. Now I adore being a girl, and having a sweet man to be in love with me! I will do anything to make him happy, and keep him in my life!
    Roxanne Lanyon
    • 26 posts
    May 31, 2019 9:41 AM BST
    Not me! I need a Daddy to help me, love me, make me feel safe, and to make happy! Since my divorce three years ago, I have grown more and more feminine. Now I adore being a girl, and having a sweet man to be in love with me! I will do anything to make him happy, and keep him in my life!
    Roxanne Lanyon
    • 7 posts
    November 5, 2019 5:17 PM GMT
    I was straight for years, but that changed when we became a triad with a good man. Milady enjoys the attention; often I'm enfemme and that still makes her the centre of attention, but it also give Himself two girls to sully. And I totally love being his little slut, he's eight inches taller and fifty pounds heavier, it's amazing.

    That said, I spend very little time with other trannies, don't have any interest in most guys (though I do appreciate a sharp-dressed-man), and have no use whatsoever for queer males.
    • 1 posts
    June 10, 2020 5:20 PM BST
    I am a straight Crossdresser and I just love the clothes and the feeling wearing them, I have a foot out the closet, my wife found my stash a month ago, but has not brought it up in conversation or in her attitude.
    • 14 posts
    June 28, 2020 10:43 AM BST
    Can always tell the Bent ones as they always walk round in circles!
    • 26 posts
    June 28, 2020 10:59 AM BST
    I used to enjoy the feel of a pretty dress occasionally, years and years ago. But now, I have aged a bit, and want to enjoy the feel of an understanding and loving man! I think I could make him so happy, and be a very sweet, gentle spouse for him.
    Lord, I would love that, so much!
    Roxanne Lanyon, A Woman at Heart
    • 14 posts
    June 28, 2020 11:10 AM BST
    <blockquote><strong><a href="/se4/profile/Roxanne70">Roxanne Lanyon</a> said:</strong><br />I used to enjoy the feel of a pretty dress occasionally, years and years ago. But now, I have aged a bit, and want to enjoy the feel of an understanding and loving man! I think I could make him so happy, and be a very sweet, gentle spouse for him.
    Lord, I would love that, so much!
    Roxanne Lanyon, A Woman at Heart</blockquote><br />

    Admit it your a Hussey! lol
    • 26 posts
    June 28, 2020 12:01 PM BST
    Oh, honey, I try to be a gentle, sweet female! Of course, there are times when my passion goes overboard! I could be a sweet , excited lover, at times!
    Roxanne Lanyon